Out-of-class writing for Inception and the Future of Film

My experience of watching Inception now compares much better with my experience of watching the film the first time. The first time I watched it, I was very confused as to what exactly was going on. One thing I noticed this time and not the first time, was that the main acting style was “The Method.” Most of the characters in the film immersed themselves in the feelings of the characters. Another thing I noticed this time was the mise-en-scene/cinematography. Each location and dream level in the film had a distinctive look with the mountain fortress having a sterile, cool look, the hotel hallways had warm colors and the van scenes were neutral. Finally, the last thing I noticed this time and not the first was the sound design. In the film a sound occurring in reality, for example a gunshot, in the next level down might be the sound of thunder, and in the next level down, might be an earthquake. So, sound made the connections between reality and dream, in my opinion.

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